Maritime News

Posted: Jul 25, 2024

Port State Control - CIC 2024 on crew wages and seafarer employment agreements under MLC


This year’s Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC), running from 1 September until 30 November 2024, prioritizes seafarers’ basic rights on board ships, and will be carried out on the topic of crew wages and Seafarer Employment Agreements (SEAs) under MLC. Read more about the CIC in this news.
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Posted: Jun 28, 2024

Testing and inspection of oil filtering equipment approved to meet Resolution MEPC.107(49)

AMSA Marine Notice

This marine notice informs ship operators and recognised organisations of AMSA’s interpretation for the installation and testing of oil filtering equipment (oily water separators)
installed on ships.
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Posted: Jun 28, 2024

Port State Control - Be prepared for new campaigns and restrictions


This news provides an overview of current developments in Port State Control (PSC) inspections and focus campaigns in China, Australia, and the USA. Special attention is being placed on the ongoing PSC focus campaign in China on machinery and electrical items.
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Posted: Jun 25, 2024

ESP - Electronic ESP Survey Files

Lloyds Registry

Following a review, Lloyd’s Register (LR) Fleet Services ESP Section will no longer issue paper copies of the ESP Survey File with the binding folders and the ESP Condition Evaluation
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Posted: Nov 15, 2023

AWP Marine Inspectors Newsletter


Our latest newsletter for inspectors and the wider industry to learn lessons from.
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