Maritime News

Amendments to SOLAS Chapter IV: Radiocommunication Equipment, GMDSS and Vessel Operations

Amendments to SOLAS Chapter IV: Radiocommunication Equipment, GMDSS and Vessel Operations



Since its introduction in 1988, the GMDSS has been a keystone of maritime safety. In response to the evolving landscape of communication systems, the IMO has undertaken significant efforts to modernize the GMDSS, aiming to align it with contemporary standards and eliminate the need of carrying outdated systems.

In April 2022, the IMO adopted Resolution MSC.496(105), which includes a complete replacement text for Chapter IV of SOLAS on radiocommunications, alongside the relocation of provisions for life-saving appliance communication equipment from Chapter III to Chapter IV. Furthermore, Resolution MSC.497(105) was adopted, introducing amendments to the 1988 SOLAS Protocol, specifically focused on the modernization of the GMDSS. These changes signify the IMO's efforts to modernize the GMDSS and have entered into force on January 1, 2024.

Posted: May 22, 2024,
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Author: Jon
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