Maritime News

HMPE mooring lines - breakaway

HMPE mooring lines - breakaway

Bahamas Safety Alert

A Bahamas flagged passenger vessel was alongside during a scheduled port call. The vessel was moored with 14 x 24mm HMPE mooring lines, secured on winches, with the brake applied. The ship’s hydraulically operated gangway was on the quay and passive.

During the night, the wind speed was higher than forecasted but increased significantly in the early morning, with the ship’s anemometer recording a maximum speed of 66 knots. Shortly afterwards, one of the aft breast lines parted. This was followed, over the course of 23 seconds, by the remaining lines aft. The increased wind speed and failure of the mooring lines was seen by the bridge team who reacted
Posted: Mar 29, 2022,
Categories: Safety Flashes,
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